Friday, February 12, 2010

Jees on Blog

If you had told me I would be, ahem,... "blogging", I would have said, "Have you completely lost your mind? I mean I am a real writer, with real things to say, about real stuff, to real people, who really care."
Seriously, what do you think I am some pajama wearing, addicted to yoga, low cut sweatered, bored 40 something hot mom with a maserati sitting around with nothing better to do then talk about her tiny insignificant life and all the minutia that goes along with it?
I mean really! Where do you get off... What the f''...??
Damn it... That is me!

Fine, fine... you win. If there is one thing I have learned, and it may only be one thing, is that you have to be like the Sailboat. You have to shift with the wind, change your sails and maybe even your course or direction. So blog?  Yeah, Blog. I like the sound of that. 
 Ah, come on it's a terrible sounding crapy name no matter what it stands for. Blog? Jees, but Sailboat it is.

So from here out I will give my Jees reviews and opinions on well, pretty much anything that so strikes my fancy. Hopefully our fancies will align and it may bring you a chuckle or a smile. If I happen to offend your fancy, well I apologize up front and only this once, cause quite frankly I have to say, "get over it!" It's only my opinion, and I might add, it's only your's too. 
 Ah, but we won’t have to worry about any of that, right. I can tell that your a sophisticated kind of reader, ah..blogger.
So ready or not, here I come. Blog on! ...still hate the name. 

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